Friday, April 20, 2007

Outback Addy

so no pics this time - nothing to download them onto just yet - but i thought i would post all the same!

right now i am at Uluru (Ayers Rock) National Park in the heart of the Australian Outback. i have been here a week and have done lots of hiking and have seen a LOT of sunrises and sunsets... yes, that means that i am normally up at 5am... i know! crazy!

some funny things:

- near my campsite is where the infamous woman once claimed that "THE DINGO ATE MY BABY!". more recently a dingo on frasier island attacked a little girl in her tent... so when i first heard the dingos howling at the moon right by my tent i think i was justified in planning an escape. but in the light of morning i realized that it was rather silly to freak out and now enjoy their nightly howling session. maybe it had something to do with finding a red back spider in my tent the night before? i think it's starting to kick in that toto's not in kansas anymore...

- speaking of freaky crawly things, yesterday this insane guy who rode his bike from alaska to panama, and now is doing every major land mass in the world for the next 7 years, got pinched by some really freaky looking thing at dinner. he only knew the japanese word for it, but what made it even stranger was that the same thing happened to him the night before in the same seat with the same freaky insect... i don't know about you, but i just wouldn't sit there anymore!

the last strange thing that happened yesterday was that a mini twister, called a willy-willy, blew through camp and uprooted someone's tent. now, if you have ever seen any space i have slept in, you'd probably know how true what i'm about to say really is... so after seeing the willy willy toss that tent about, i decided that if anyone sees the inside of my tent and comments on it's general disorderliness, i will just use the excuse that a willy willy must have gotten a hold of it and tossed everything about. but in defense of my mess, i think that mess is an excellent security feature when camping. i mean, who in their right mind would be able to find anything in that disaster?!

i am here until sun/mon chilling out with two really great girls and getting lots of swimming and writing done. right now the non-plan plan is to go a bit south to Alice Springs and then probably find some work with the aboriginal community there. if i like it, i might stay there for 1-2 months. we'll see. i'd love to hear from you!


addy :)


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