Sunday, February 18, 2007

Black Water Rafting!

what is black water rafting? it's rafting in an underground cave. totally awesome!

the adventure i took part in was a combination of abseiling down into the cave, zip lining into darkness (THAT was scary!), jumping off a cliff into water with your inner tube (scarrier than jumping out of a plane!), swimming with eels, tubing through glow worm caves, crawling through tight places, and free climbing up waterfalls (with the ultimate climb in complete darkness)!!

did i like it? damn straight i did!
here's me going down into the abyss...
this is what the caves looked like (minus the glow in the background, this photo was a set up shot they use for advertising).
FACT: it takes 100 years for the cave coral hanging down from the ceiling to grow 1cm!

here's us taking a hot tang and chocolate break. the water was freezing even with 5mm wet suits!

this is us after we got to the surface and saw light again.

the whole thing took 4-5 hours and was the best thing i have done so far. even better than sky diving!! speaking of sky diving... did i mention that we did the abyss in the morning and then jumped out of a plane later that same day? let's just say that the next day was a recovery day!!


At Fri Mar 09, 05:02:00 p.m., Anonymous Anonymous said...

Hey Addy!
I'm so glad you're loving New Zealand! Keep up with your excellent adventures -

At Thu Mar 15, 02:46:00 a.m., Blogger Adrienne said...

sara!! thinking about you hun! thanks for the excellent name! hope you and dave are doing well!! ttys!

addy :)


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