Wednesday, June 06, 2007

Scuba Addy Meets the Great Barrier Reef

hey everyone!!
a few weeks ago i decided to leave alice springs and pack my bags again... you know, hit the open road... or in this case water. for a few days i have been chilling out in a gorgeous rain forest, and today i went suba diving/snorkeling at the great barrier reef. as i'm sure you can guess - it was a GREAT experience!

big long one... i'm not sure if it's an eel or what... let me know if you do!
some more pretty fish...
yes - that's a shark! it was about 5 feet long, but not a scarry one. it was actually really lovely to watch swim and once i realized it was close to me, it was really close to me. at first i thought it wa a REALLY big fish! hahaa...
this is what the coral looked like from the scuba position. i dove twice today, the first time i couldn't bring the camera, the second time i could...i'm really pleased that i could! by the way, doesn't that one coral look like a pancake? or maybe a mushroom?

this is me looking slightly frieghtened because the photographer looked really close to the coral... in case you didnt know it, the coral dies if you touch it... not good!



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